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The LifeTether


The LifeTether is a location chip that uses bluetooth to send you alerts if you leave the range of your phone. This app/device is designed to maximize your safety by helping you never forget your medication again! 

How we Evolved


At the beginning, the LifeTether was a box that held your medications and akerted you when you went out of range. After hearing what customers wanted through customer validation, we pivoted to the idea of portability, comfort, and ease of use. Wtih these new concepts, we decided to switch from using a box to using a reinforced bag. This will maximize both portability and comfort, and allowed the user to keep it on them at all times.


LifeTether is planning on being priced at $29.99. For this low price, you can ensure that you never forget your medications ever again! If you have interest in this product, please contact us and suggest improvements, or things that you like about the product, we love feedback! We have a paypal account if you are interested in donating, all help is greatly appreciated!

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